Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Snippets.....a.k.a. vignettes

My friend Kelli did this recently on her blog, and I liked the idea so much that I'm going to go right ahead and steal it! But, at least I gave her credit!

After my rough Sunday, Monday and Tuesday haven't been so bad....just the usual morning throwing up and all day nausea. Totally manageable. It helped that Russ and I took the day off on Monday and we got to SEE our baby on an ultrasound again, and HEAR the heartbeat. I swear, it's still amazing to me that I'm actually pregnant. Bonus: everything that is supposed to be negative is, and everything that is supposed to be positive is. Yay baby!

Whenever Russ and I go to the grocery store he is typically the one loading the last bag and closing up the trunk while I put away the carriage. The man waits for me to return. By the side of the car. It doesn't matter if it's the dead of winter and freezing cold, or mid summer and broiling hot, he still waits for me. It makes me love him just a little bit more, every time he does it.

I decided after one of our doctors visits yesterday that our baby is a boy. I have no gut feeling, no visions or dreams or anything like that....I just decided that it's a boy. I figure a girl is made of sugar and spice and all things nice, and therefore would not be making her momma throw up regularly. Nor would a girl make the nice ultrasound lady have to poke and jiggle my belly for a full fifteen minutes. Or make me have to cough, or turn over, or have my legs up and my head down while being poked and prodded to get a good ultrasound picture. Definitely a boy. We find out for sure in six weeks. (I'll post the picture from yesterday's visit once I scan it in!)

Today is my LAST, FIRST administrative class. I'm pretty jazzed about that. First of all because it means I survived my first administrative course, and secondly because it means I get to go home at a reasonable hour on a Tuesday and go to bed! Woo hoo! I'm even thinking I'll get a good grade, which I'm really jazzed about, seeing as how it's the first course I've taken in eight years and I didn't know if I'd be able to be a student all over again.

I also decided that much like ballet dancers make the worst audience members at the theatre, teachers make the worst students....my friend and I spent the majority of this semester critiquing the way the professor taught the course. Or maybe it's not that teachers make bad students, but teachers are way too opinionated for their own good. Hmmm.....

I'm out of my classroom a lot this week and I totally hate that. I was out Monday for my doctors appointments (I had two, and it was too crazy to try to come to school), today a half day to score a math pre assessment, tomorrow for a half day to write reading curriculum, and Friday for a full day workshop. Not only because it's a pain in the ankle to write sub plans, but mostly because I really miss my kids.

Three more days of NaBloPoMo! I think I might actually be sad when it is over....even though I think the quality of my posts has seriously declined this month.....


Kelli said...

Yeah snippets! These are fun - it's like a peak into your brain. (And I love the one about Russ waiting by the car. So sweet.)

I am so, so, SO happy you did (well, we're technically still doing) NaBloPoMo. It was so fun to know you had a new post coming every day. Hopefully the lots of posts trend will continue?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I will miss you daily posts, and they have not declined. Is it because the news is so exciting? So true about ballet dancers, and teachers too...