Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Good deeds

I almost forgot to post today.
I know, I know! I was about to head to bed (after falling asleep on the couch trying to catch up with Tuesday's episode of Dancing with the Stars. Thank God for DVR. Best thing we've purchased in awhile, it took me four tries to get through the show because I kept falling asleep!) when the thought that was tickling the back of my mind finally blossomed--I haven't posted yet!

So, since it is late, and I am tired, you will be subjected to a post that is slightly random, but with a common theme: doing good deeds.

My morning started out with these two emails:
Dear Karen and Lisa,
I just wanted to take a minute and let you know what a great job you both did yesterday. The work that has gone into the unit is amazing and you did such a great job presenting it to the third grade team.
Kudos to you both!!!!!

I find myself looking forward to these PD meetings! I learn so much! I cannot say that about so many other PDS I have attended in twenty years! THANKS for everything!

See, yesterday a colleague and myself presented a professional development- for three hours-in the morning. Now, unlike the pd we presented at the beginning of the year, my colleague (who is not a teacher but a Language Arts Coordinator) did the lion's share of the work preparing for this pd. However, what we were presenting on was the Reading Curriculum work that I have been writing for over a year. A process that has been enlightening and frustrating and difficult and challenging and eye opening get the gist.
I have to say, it's really difficult to stand up in front of every single third grade teacher in the district, and a few paraprofessionals, interns and special education teachers, and share curriculum that you have spent hours and hours writing and analyzing and rewriting and finalizing.... you have to wonder if they'll find the time valuable (our district is notorious for professional development that is a waste of time) and if they'll like the work that you are sharing.

In true pay-it-forward passion- after receiving these emails I bumped into another colleague who, at an afternoon meeting yesterday, had a bit of a breakdown. So I asked her how she was, and if I could do anything....she didn't want to talk much since she was in such a rough spot, and she had to run off, but as she was leaving, she mentioned that she didn't get her tea. Well, I went and made her some tea and brought it up to the classroom she was visiting. And then I got this email:
I just got back to my office and was sitting down to write you a note. You just blew me away with your kindness. It is always amazing how something small, like bringing me the tea, has changed my thinking and my day. Thank you so very much.
Thank you again for being my friend.

These emails made me feel so good. Good about the hours upon hours and the tons of frustration I've gone through with the reading curriculum committee, and good about noticing a friend that was having a rough day and trying to cheer her up. Why don't I do this more often? Say Thank you more often...Tell people who help me out that I appreciate their work....tell a friend that I'm glad they are my friend....I need to do that more. It made me feel so good just to get these emails....imagine how good it could make others feel.

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