Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Baptism pictures

I'm sure I'll have more once my photographer brother sends me the amazing shots he took....but here are just a few pictures from Aliza's big day!
Proud godparents: Uncle Scott and Aunt Tina

Even prouder grandparents: Grospapa, Nonna, Grams and Gramps

Very proud Mommy and Daddy, with their beautiful little angel.....


Anonymous said...

She really is such a little ANGEL!
(and our little Princess!)

Kelli said...

Everyone looks great. I'm so glad you had nice weather. And Russ looks so collegiate in his blazer and tie.

vek said...

I just love the pic of the three of you. It's her little, teeny, tiny foot just peeking out that gets me. Such a great day! Thanks for letting us share it with you.
