I'm supposed to be typing up a unit for my reading curriculum committee meeting tomorrow. But I don't want to for many many reasons that boil down to something like extreme annoyance with the whole committee, frustration over the work and plain old stubbornness. I will overcome all of this and get myself moving and frantically typing because that is how I roll....soon.
For now, it was a glorious three day weekend for us school teachers so I think I will share some weekend festivities with you, dear bloggers.
Driving home Friday after a LONG week filled with way too many meetings I spontaneously called up a massage place I had never been to before. Answering all the prerequisite questions for a pregnant lady I then asked if they had any appointments for the weekend. Lo and behold, they did! I think I even told the man on the phone that I loved him, such was my joy at this news. Saturday dawned and all I could think about was lying on my belly for a full hour! A full HOUR! This is what excites me now. Unfortunately, it was not to be, because I had missed one very essential question when I was interrogating the lovely gentleman who offered me the Saturday appointment.....do you have a special pregnancy massage table? No, no they didn't... so I had to lay on my side, which is the whole cause of my back pain anyway, but trust me, I still enjoyed the massage. So much so that I might have even been snoring. Or drooling. Or both. And the guilt I was feeling over spending the money evaporated the second she put the hot towels on my feet. Such bliss.
My relaxing day continued with a haircut that I had booked awhile ago (I swear, I haven't had this much pampering in one day since I got married). And quickly evaporated when I learned that the one friend that was coming over to watch the game on Sunday had turned into one more friend, and his girlfriend, and our two sets of neighbors with their two year old. And, of course, promises of "I'll take care of everything" turned into "Can you make sausage and peppers? And what should we make for an appetizer?" A quick dash to the grocery store, an even quicker change and we headed out to hang out with some good friends whom we don't see nearly enough. Saturday night ended with a lovely meal, some ridiculously delicious cake, wonderful conversations and a sleepy drive home late at night...
Sunday dawned and I was off to church with Mom and Dad, as is my custom. Afterwards I dashed home and I do believe I turned into the Tasmanian devil. Meat was fried, peppers were cleaned and chopped, dip was made, chips were opened, beer was refrigerated.....while Russ bustled around just as much cleaning everything. People started to arrive at 1, and stayed. And stayed. And stayed. Some left. Then they came back. And stayed some more. But it was great fun, and we loved having friends over to hang out with us- especially since one of them was teasing Russ about being rich because of our lake view. Ha! Hardly! Plus a Superbowl with the Patriots and the Giants is just too crazy for words.....at least here in CT where we are split right down the middle.....
And Monday I recuperated from the craziness of the two preceding days by doing very little except eating some of my Mom's delicious lasagna.
What fun filled days for young people! Your football party sounds FUN!!
I'm jealous- the message sounds wonderful too- stomach or side lying- I'll be there.
Love Mom S
Just caught up. Let me just say, I want some of your Mom's lasagna, too!
Also, congrats on having a girl. I guess those Ivins sisters only make little girls! My sister is due June 10 with a boy.
I am coming to CT with the boys starting tomorrow. I'd love to see you! Your belly is so cute. I hope Tina is giving you good advice...and clothes!
Oh that sounds wonderful!!!
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