Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New tricks

Here's Aliza's latest trick!


shelleycoughlin said...

Oh man, is she a cutie!

JaxMom said...

So talented! Perhaps she will be a rock star. AND she is not even whacking herself in the head!

Kelli said...

She cracks me up because as she's shaking the rattle she's got this expression that's like, "yeah, so what Mom? Wait until I'm mobile. Then I'm really going to shake this thing up!"

She is a beauty by the way.

Anonymous said...

I am completely thrilled to see Aliza playing. Great video!!
She has such delicate wrist movements! And she's so smart. Uncle Scott will be so excited... she's using her left hand.

Anonymous said...

That is the first thing Uncle Scott noticed! Kelli, I agree w/ you I love how her hand is doing all the moving and her face is just "chillin". She is just the cutest!

vek said...

Well I didn't get to see this the other day but I am not surprised. Her little grip is quite impressive. Is this how fast it all goes?
