Can you tell that she already looks a bit unhappy? Yup. She woke up Saturday morning a bit stuffy and clingy and wasn't too happy to be put into her bathing suit. I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that she has about four teeth pushing through right now. We got in the water together, Aliza and mommy, and she started screaming immediately.
She also started chewing on my shoulder, and I have bite marks from her little teeth gnawing away.
I'm hoping next week she is a little more used to the water, and able to enjoy it a bit more....
A fun glimps into the new world of "water and Aliza"!
Thanks for filming it Dad.
Can't wait to hear all about next weeks swimming lesson.
GramS xoxxox
Through it all she looked adorable.
You both stuck it out to the end.
"Good Job"
I'm sure it will be better next week.
Lisa you look great.
Super cute. I love her little pink swimsuit. And to echo your Mom's sentiments, you do look fantastic.
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