Sunday, November 01, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Aliza's second Halloween was even more fun than her first.....she still doesn't quite get what trick or treating is, but tolerated her costume and even walked (and rode) around the neighborhood a bit with our two good friends and a bevy of other parents and children. Next year we will have to practice saying "trick or treat".....

We started our evening by carving our pumpkin while Aliza played outside (as an aside, Russ decided- after viewing the pumpkins in the neighborhood- that next year he needs to improve on his pumpkin carving ability. I tried explaining that the fancy ones he saw were, most likely, patterns, but he is determined to put on a better show next year):

After a yummy dinner of pizza with Grams and Gramps (a.k.a. Mem-mem and Pop-pop) Aliza got dressed in her costume just in time for Nonna and Pop-pop's arrival:

She quickly decided it was time to head outside:

Although she got a bit confused about the fact that we were supposed to visit houses, and not our own backyard:

We decided to strap Aliza into her vroom-vroom to walk around the neighborhood:

She got out and walked a couple of times, but seemed a tad overwhelmed with all of the neighborhood kids we were walking with and opted to stay close to my side.

We returned home to say night-night to Mem-Mem and Pop-pop and enjoyed some trick or treaters before bed....although now we seem to have a ladybug infestation:

Overall it was a fantastic Halloween!


GramS said...

You'll notice that your visitor counter is going up and up as I reread and look at these pictures over and over. So CUTE! Your "Ladybug" was the cutest trick or treater ever!!!!
Love you GramS (aka: Mem-mem)

Keetha said...

How fun!

Unknown said...

A little ladybug! How adorable. And I LOVE her little striped tights!

Beth said...

I love my little ladybug niece! She looks too cute for words. Agree with Kelli, the tights put it over the top. Sorry Russ, but I agree, no art teacher's bro gets away w/ a boring pumpkin!

Next year I'm coming down b/c I want to see Aliza "trick or treat"